I've been playing with a pie-chart web component for a little while now, and I was thrilled with the result... until I started to use it in anger, that is.
The thing was, angles over 180 messed something up - I decided to revisit it this week after reading this article by Temani Afif, and I'm once again thrilled to see it working - and working correctly (at least in Chrome and Edge):
class DMPieChart extends HTMLElement { static get observedAttributes() { return [ 'width', // width of the chart 'duration', // duration of the animation 'delay', // delay before the animation 'thickness' // thickness of the slices ]; } get style() { return ` <style> * { box-sizing: border-box; } div { width: ${this.width}px; height: ${this.width}px; position: relative; } </style> ` } constructor() { super() this.shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'closed' }) this.shadow.innerHTML = ` ${this.style} <div> <slot name='pie-slices'></slot> </div> ` try { window.CSS.registerProperty({ name: '--p', syntax: '<number>', inherits: true, initialValue: 0, }) }catch (e) { console.warn('Browser does not support animated conical gradients') } } connectedCallback() { const segments = [...this.querySelectorAll('dm-pie-slice')] const total = segments.reduce((p, c) => p + Number(c.getAttribute('value')), 0) let durationTotal = this.delay; let rotationTotal = 0 const totalDegree = 360/total segments.forEach(segment => { const value = Number(segment.getAttribute('value')) const currentRotation = totalDegree * value const animationDuration = currentRotation / (360/Number(this.duration)) segment.setAttribute('thickness', this.thickness * this.width) segment.setAttribute('end', (value / total) * 100) segment.setAttribute('rotate', rotationTotal) segment.setAttribute('delay', durationTotal) segment.setAttribute('duration', animationDuration) segment.setAttribute('width', this.width) rotationTotal += currentRotation durationTotal += animationDuration }) } get width() { return Number(this.getAttribute('width')) || 150 // 150px by default } get duration() { return Number(this.getAttribute('duration')) || 5000 // 5 seconds by default } get delay() { return Number(this.getAttribute('delay')) || 500 // half a second by default } get thickness() { return Number(this.getAttribute('thickness')) || 0.2 // 60% of width by default } } class DMPieSlice extends HTMLElement{ static get observedAttributes() { return [ 'width', // width of the chart 'duration', // duration of the animation 'delay', // delay before the animation 'color', // color of the arc 'thickness', // thickness of the arc 'rotate' // how far to rotate the arc ]; } get style() { return ` <style> * { box-sizing: border-box; } div { --p: ${this.end}; width: ${this.width}px; aspect-ratio: 1; margin: 0; position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; animation-name: p; animation-fill-mode: both; animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); animation-duration: ${this.duration}ms; animation-delay: ${this.delay}ms; } div:before { content: ""; position: absolute; border-radius: 50%; inset: 0; background: conic-gradient(from ${this.rotate}deg, ${this.color} calc(var(--p)*1%), transparent 0); -webkit-mask: radial-gradient(farthest-side, transparent calc(99% - ${this.thickness}px), #000 calc(100% - ${this.thickness}px)); mask: radial-gradient(farthest-side,#0000 calc(99% - ${this.thickness}px), #000 calc(100% - ${this.thickness}px)); } @keyframes p { from { --p: 0 } } </style> ` } constructor() { super(); this.shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'closed' }) this.shadow.innerHTML = `${this.style}<div/>` } get width() { return Number(this.getAttribute('width')) || 150 // 150px by default } get duration() { return Number(this.getAttribute('duration')) } get delay() { return Number(this.getAttribute('delay')) } get color() { return this.getAttribute('color') || '#000000' // black by default } get thickness() { return Number(this.getAttribute('thickness')) } get rotate() { return Number(this.getAttribute('rotate')) } get end() { return Number(this.getAttribute('end')) } } window.customElements.define('dm-pie-chart', DMPieChart) window.customElements.define('dm-pie-slice', DMPieSlice)
It is significantly cleaner but only animates within Chrome and Edge (everywhere else, it should just appear without animation, which is a shame).
I've also moved away from using the CSSStyleSheet interface as Safari throws a wobble when it's used without a polyfill, which is a shame as constructible/adoptable style sheets rock!
The animation is thanks to @property CSS at-rule. It is utterly brilliant, especially once I understood you could inject it via JS, as injecting it into the component's CSS didn't work at all - either via the static CSS or the constructible/adoptable CSS.
Bundling it into one file should also ease its adoption.
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