It's taken ages and ages but I've finally gotten around to creating a theme for DataTables which uses the lovely inputs from Material Design for Bootstrap (MDB). I've been playing with MDB for a while now and love its look and feel. I've loved DataTables for as long as I can remember so getting them to play nicely with each other was on my radar for a while. I finished that work last night and published it to GitHub this morning and I'm really, quite pleased with the results. This is the Readme:
DataTables comes with few themes, including those for Bootstrap 3 and 4. These themes work really well for Material Design for Bootstrap (MDB) as is, but...
This work enhances the Bootstrap 3 theme and takes advantage of the nice pagination and inputs available in MDB to make it look even better!
Initially only the pagination was implemented but, with some help and advice from Allan I got the filter input as well as the length select to work, using Input Fields and Material Select respectively.
There is presently no support for custom renderers for these elements so the
function has been hijacked. Once custom renderers are implemented I'll move the work over to a that mechanism.Once I have more time I'll also adapt it so that it will work with BootStrap 4 and MDB4.
And this is the code:
/*! DataTables MDBootstrap 3 integration * Based upon DataTables Bootstrap 3 integration * Dominic Myers <> */ /** * DataTables integration for MDBootstrap 3. This requires MDBootstrap 3 and * DataTables 1.10 or newer. * * This file sets the defaults and adds options to DataTables to style its * controls using Bootstrap. */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD define(['jquery', ''], function ($) { return factory($, window, document); }); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // CommonJS module.exports = function (root, $) { if (!root) { root = window; } if (!$ || !$.fn.dataTable) { // Require DataTables, which attaches to jQuery, including // jQuery if needed and have a $ property so we can access the // jQuery object that is used $ = require('')(root, $).$; } return factory($, root, root.document); }; } else { // Browser factory(jQuery, window, document); } }(($, window, document, undefined) => { 'use strict'; let DataTable = $.fn.dataTable; /* Set the defaults for DataTables initialisation */ $.extend(true, DataTable.defaults, { "dom": ` <'row' <'col-sm-6 input-field' l > <'col-sm-6 input-field' f > > <'row' <'col-sm-12' tr > > <'row' <'col-sm-5' i > <'col-sm-7' p > >`, "renderer": 'mdbootstrap', "language": { "lengthMenu": "_MENU_", "paginate": { "first": ` <i class="material-icons"> first_page </i>`, "last": ` <i class="material-icons"> last_page </i>`, "next": ` <i class="material-icons"> chevron_right </i>`, "previous": ` <i class="material-icons"> chevron_left </i>` } }, "initComplete": () => { /* * This makes the length dropdown into a material select */ let lengthDiv = $(".dataTables_length"), lengthSelect = lengthDiv .find("select[name$='_length']"), lengthSelectClone = lengthSelect .clone(true); lengthDiv .replaceWith(lengthSelectClone); lengthSelectClone .material_select(); let lengthSelectCloneCaret = lengthSelectClone .parent() .find(".caret"); lengthSelectCloneCaret .css("display", "block") .css("width", "initial") .css("border-top", "initial"); /* * This makes the filter input work as a material input */ let filterDiv = $(".dataTables_filter"), filterDivParent = filterDiv .parent(".input-field"), filterInput = filterDiv .find("input[type='search']"), filterInputClone = filterInput .clone(true), tableId = filterDiv .closest(".dataTables_wrapper") .attr("id") .split("_")[0], filterLabel = filterInput .parent("label") .attr("for", tableId + "_cloned_input") .empty() .text("Search") .clone(true); filterInputClone.attr({ "id": tableId + "_cloned_input", "type": "text" }).on("blur", () => { /* * We need to ensure that the active class is removed from the input if there * isn't a value to make it look pretty. */ if (!filterInputClone.val().length) { filterLabel.removeClass("active"); } }); filterDivParent .empty() .append(` <i class="material-icons prefix"> search </i>`) .append(filterInputClone) .append(filterLabel) } }); /* Default class modification */ $.extend(DataTable.ext.classes, { sWrapper: "dataTables_wrapper form-inline dt-bootstrap", sProcessing: "dataTables_processing panel panel-default" }); /* MDBootstrap paging button renderer */ DataTable.ext.renderer.pageButton.mdbootstrap = (settings, host, idx, buttons, page, pages) => { let api = new DataTable.Api(settings); let classes = settings.oClasses; let lang = settings.oLanguage.oPaginate; let aria = settings.oLanguage.oAria.paginate || {}; let counter = 0; let getDisplayClass = button => { let tempBtns = { "tempBtnDisplay": "", "tempBtnClass": "" }; let tempBtnDisplays = { "ellipsis": () => { tempBtns.btnDisplay = "…"; tempBtns.btnClass = "disabled"; }, "first": () => { tempBtns.btnDisplay = lang.sFirst; tempBtns.btnClass = button + (page > 0 ? '' : ' disabled'); }, "previous": () => { tempBtns.btnDisplay = lang.sPrevious; tempBtns.btnClass = button + (page > 0 ? '' : ' disabled'); }, "next": () => { tempBtns.btnDisplay = lang.sNext; tempBtns.btnClass = button + (page < pages - 1 ? '' : ' disabled'); }, "last": () => { tempBtns.btnDisplay = lang.sLast; tempBtns.btnClass = button + (page < pages - 1 ? '' : ' disabled'); }, "default": () => { tempBtns.btnDisplay = button + 1; tempBtns.btnClass = page === button ? 'active' : ''; } }; (tempBtnDisplays[button] || tempBtnDisplays["default"])(); return tempBtns; }; let attach = (container, buttons) => { let i, ien, node, button; let clickHandler = e => { e.preventDefault(); if (!$(e.currentTarget).hasClass('disabled') && != {'page'); } }; for (i = 0, ien = buttons.length; i < ien; i++) { button = buttons[i]; if ($.isArray(button)) { attach(container, button); } else { let btnDisplayClass = getDisplayClass(button); if (btnDisplayClass.btnDisplay) { node = $('<li>', { 'class': classes.sPageButton + ' ' + btnDisplayClass.btnClass, 'id': idx === 0 && typeof button === 'string' ? settings.sTableId + '_' + button : null }).append($('<a>', { 'href': '#', 'aria-controls': settings.sTableId, 'aria-label': aria[button], 'data-dt-idx': counter, 'tabindex': settings.iTabIndex }).html(btnDisplayClass.btnDisplay) ).appendTo(container); settings.oApi._fnBindAction( node, {action: button}, clickHandler ); counter++; } } } }; // IE9 throws an 'unknown error' if document.activeElement is used // inside an iframe or frame. let activeEl; try { // Because this approach is destroying and recreating the paging // elements, focus is lost on the select button which is bad for // accessibility. So we want to restore focus once the draw has // completed activeEl = $(host).find(document.activeElement).data('dt-idx'); } catch (e) { } attach( $(host).empty().html('<ul class="pagination pag-circle"/>').children('ul'), buttons ); if (activeEl) { $(host).find('[data-dt-idx=' + activeEl + ']').focus(); } }; return DataTable; }));
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