I'm all in favour of shorthand statements and I often visit this Sitepoint page. I'm also keen on ES6 destructuring as I seem to spend a lot of time thinking about the shape and patterns of data anyway.
One shorthand I've always like is the if
using &&
Given these constants:
const thing = "fred"; const helloWorld = () => { console.log("hello"); console.log("world"); };
We can do this:
thing === "fred" ? helloWorld() : null; // hello\nworld thing === "Fred" ? helloWorld() : null; // nowt
We can also do this:
thing === "fred" && helloWorld(); // hello\nworld thing === "Fred" && helloWorld(); // nowt
But, even better, we can do this:
thing === "fred" && (() => { console.log("hello"); console.log("world"); })(); // hello\nworld thing === "Fred" && (() => { console.log("hello"); console.log("world"); })(); // nowt
How cool is that? JSFiddle here.